
Digital Lending Library

The Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Orange have access to a diocese-wide online lending library. The library, which contains approximately 10,000 titles, allows students at any of the diocesan Catholic Schools to check out eBooks for reading and study. Sharing such a large collection of books across all schools permits equal access to digital learning materials to every student in the diocese. This library is but one example of what sets schools in the Diocese of Orange apart from other schools.

The Diocese of Orange digital lending library is proudly funded through generous donations from the Orange Catholic Foundation. Click here to visit their website.

On-Campus Library

Blessed Sacrament School is fortunate to not only have access to the online lending library, but we also have a full featured library with an on-site librarian four days a week. K-8 students visit the library up to twice a week. Titles in our library collection are closely tied to the Accelerated Reader program, so students are able to easily find books in their individual reading range that they not only enjoy reading, but can help them become better readers in the process.

BSS Kindergarten students visit the library once a week to have storytime with the librarian and check out a book to take home to share with their parents. Grades 1-4 have read-aloud time once a week when their class visits. They also have time to take AR quizzes on library computers if they haven’t had a chance to take them in class on their tablets. The library is an important part of the daily routine at Blessed Sacrament School.