Within the tradition of our Catholic faith, Blessed Sacrament School is dedicated to guiding students to “act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with God."
Micah 6:8
We at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School are a community of believers who strive to communicate Christ to the students entrusted to our care though our example, guidance and encouragement.
As representatives of our faith, we promote and encourage a holistic education with high standards, focusing on the spiritual, intellectual, psychological, sociological and physical development of each student.
We recognize parents as the first and primary educators of their children. We collaborate with them and act as facilitators in the development of the whole child. We encourage them to actively participate in the education of their child.
We provide opportunities for all students to become involved in roles of service as members of family, church, school, civic, and global communities.
Recognizing that Blessed Sacrament School should be available to all who desire this educational environment, we strive to accept everyone for whom an appropriate program can be designed and implemented.
I, a student at Blessed Sacrament School, believe in, value and…
Respect God by
Respect Others by
Respect Self by
Respect Property by
Respect Education by
Respect Life by